As a seasoned financial analyst and writer, I’ve seen many investment opportunities come and go. One such opportunity in 2023 caught my attention: the issuance of preferred shares by Oxford Lane Capital Corp.—a renowned closed-end fund. They offered these shares, backed by collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), attracting many an investor with the promise of a solid return underpinned by collateral.
Yet, as enticing as this may sound, such investments are not without their dark sides and potential perils. Those who’ve seen their investments shrink might now be weighing the merits of seeking guidance from experienced securities attorneys.
The Catch With Preferred Shares
Preferred shares are often viewed as desirable for the dividend priority they hold over common shares. But they do come with risks. For example, they can falter when interest rates climb and when common stock prices outpace them. Moreover, the issuer can choose to buy these shares back at certain times, leaving investors vulnerable when they least expect it. This level of unpredictability can make these securities a double-edged sword.
The Specific Risks Attached to Oxford Lane Capital Corp Shares
Investors were entranced by brokers showcasing the potential for a high-yield return with these shares, but the outcome hasn’t always met expectations, especially when contrasted with broader market performance indices like the S&P. The prospectus didn’t shy away from disclosing several risks, such as the company’s dependency on capital market conditions, its limited closed-end fund track record, the critical role of key Oxford Lane personnel, and their use of borrowing to expand the portfolio, which could magnify losses.
The right brokers and financial advisors should be keenly aware of these risks to steer their clients appropriately.
Feeding the Pockets of Underwriters
The underwriters involved in these offerings, including Ladenburg Thalmann, Deutsche Bank Securities, BB&T Capital Markets, Maxim Group LLC, and National Securities Corporation, weren’t exactly volunteering their services. They pocketed hefty fees, upwards of 7%, reflecting the risk they were taking on—everyone wants a share, after all.
Investors should take time to consider if their financial advisors truly had their best interests at heart or were swayed by a conflict of interest. As Warren Buffett wisely stated, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” So if it seems they were guided by something other than your needs, it might be time to consult securities attorneys.
Working with a trusted attorney can help you understand the complexities of financial restitution and might pave the way to recouping losses. This, in turn, prepares you to face new investment opportunities with greater wisdom and prudence.
Perform Due Diligence on Your Financial Advisor
If you suspect your financial advisor may have misstepped, remember this key financial fact: Bad advisors can cost you. According to a report, investors may end up paying over 2.5 times in fees over their lifetime for bad financial advice. This is why it’s crucial to perform due diligence on your advisor, including checking their FINRA CRM number, verifying their professional background and history of client disputes or regulatory events.
As someone passionate about making the complex world of finance more accessible, my goal is to empower you with information. Investments are never a simple bet, and it’s vital to understand what you’re diving into. Lean on experts when needed, and always keep learning. That’s the mark of the wise investor.