Potential Investor Losses linked to Securities Broker Michael Scott Barrows – Investigation Underway

Potential Investor Losses linked to Securities Broker Michael Scott Barrows – Investigation Underway

As a passionate financial analyst and legal expert, I pay close attention to the trends, high-profile cases, and stories that play out in the world of finance. One story that caught my attention and I’m sure has caught the eye of many investors is the recent case involving securities broker, Michael Scott Barrows [CRD: 2933260, Irvine, California].

The Seriousness of the Allegations

The allegations against Barrows are severe, as disclosed on FINRA BrokerCheck. Investors who trusted Barrows with their money have allegedly lost considerable sums due to unauthorized trading, unsuitable investment recommendations, and breach of fiduciary duties. On October 30, 2023, an Accelerated Capital Group client received a rewarding settlement of $1,035,360.46 in damages following allegations that Barrows violated both federal and California securities laws.

Investors need to understand the severity of such claims. They are not minor administrational mishaps. These claims represent serious allegations that, if proven true, amount to a breach of trust by the broker who ought to have had the investor’s best interests at heart – the basis of fiduciary duty.

A Glimpse of Barrows’ Background

With a rich history in the financial sector, Barrows hopped from one professional milestone to another. Starting his career at Kingswood Capital Partners LLC, Accelerated Capital Group, Chalice Wealth Advisors, and American Asset Advisory LLC before joining M Steves Securities and Wealth Advisors. However, the shiny resume hides a troubling track-record of disappointed investors, allegations, and denials.

Understanding the FINRA Rule

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is a self-regulatory organization that ensures brokerage firms and their employees operate in the best interests of investors. Brokers like Barrows are expected to comply with FINRA rules, which include maintaining high standards of commercial honor, just and equitable principles of trade, and protecting investors from fraudulent activities.

However, as a former president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson wisely noted, “An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic.” This quote rings true for investors who must understand how the financial works to protect their interests.

Consequences and Lessons to Be Learned

In light of this case, the gravity of the consequences is apparent. A loss of $1,035,360.46 is not insubstantial. It’s a stark reminder for investors that they must always do their due diligence and consult independent experts before making financial decisions, particularly when it comes to watching over those responsible for managing their assets.

According to a report from the Center for the Study of Fraud and Corruption at the University of Manchester, at any given time, as many as one in twenty-five financial advisors is likely to be engaged in some form of fraudulent activity. It truly is a buyer beware market.


The tale of Michael Scott Barrows serves as a potent reminder for investors to remain vigilant in the face of potential fraudulent activity. It’s imperative to continuously monitor their investments, understand the legal expectations and obligations of financial advisors, and take decisive action when necessary.

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